Scottish Wider
Access Programme
Progression service
This service provides information about which university courses are available to
progress to from the available college access courses.
Are you already at college, or
already decided which college you will attend?
select ...
I am not at college / don't know which one yet
Ayrshire College
Borders College
Dundee & Angus College
Edinburgh College
Fife College
Forth Valley
Forth Valley College
Glasgow Clyde College
Glasgow Kelvin College
New College Lanarkshire
Newbattle Abbey College
North East Scotland College
South Lanarkshire College
UHI Inverness
UHI Moray
UHI North, West & Hebrides
UHI Orkney
UHI Perth
UHI Shetland
West College Scotland
West Lothian College
Are you already on an access course at this college?
I am not on an access course yet
Access to Allied Health Professions
Access to Allied Health Professions (online)
Access to Applied Science
Access to Arts, Humanities and Primary Education
Access to Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Primary Teaching
Access to Biological Sciences
Access to Engineering
Access to Health & Life Sciences
Access to Health & Life Sciences (Online)
Access to Health Studies
Access to Humanities
Access to Humanities (Online)
Access to Humanities and Primary Teaching
Access to Languages with Business
Access to Languages, Arts & Social Sciences
Access to Law, Business &Finance
Access to Life Science (Chemistry & Biology)
Access to Life Sciences
Access to Medical Studies
Access to Nursing
Access to Nursing (2 year programme)
Access to Nursing (online)
Access to Opthalmics
Access to Physical Science
Access to Physical Science (Online)
Access to Podiatry
Access to STEM
Access to Science
Access to Social Science / Primary Teaching
Access to Social Sciences
Access to Social Sciences, Arts & Education
Social Sciences: Access to Higher Education
What are you interested in studying?
Start typing your preferred subject(s), then click to add your word to the search, or choose from the dropdown suggestions. You can add multiple terms. Click the x next to added terms to remove them.
Universities where subjects are available (select your preference)
select ...
Abertay University
Edinburgh Napier University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Heriot Watt University
Queen Margaret University
Robert Gordon University
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)
Scotlands Rural College
Stirling University
The Scotland College of Chiropractic
University of Aberdeen
University of Dundee
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of St Andrews
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
University of the Highlands and Islands
Access courses